Brand Monitoring

Once you have registered your trademark, you also want protection for your brand.

Every day new brands will be offered in the registers. There just may be, mostly by accident but sometimes not, one registration that resembles your brand and it also is used for the same type of product as your brand. This can lead to confusion and damage to your brand.

That is something you don’t want. Trademark law is indeed to protect against confusion and to keep your position in the register strong.


Trademark monitoring is a permanent comparison of your trademark to trademarks that are registered later. If a similar brand is registered, you will receive a message. We will inform you about the later brand and the goods or services for which the brand is intended. You can then, in consultation with us, determine whether you want to take action against this brand, for example by filing an opposition.

We can perform the monitoring in the following areas, depending on your registrations and interests. It makes little sense to monitor a brand in South America if you are only selling the brand in the Netherlands and Belgium:
– Benelux, including European registrations and International Register
– European Union, including International register
– Europe (EU + Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Ukraine)
– Worldwide
– The monitoring can be directed to one or more countries.

When we register a trademark in the Benelux countries or the European Union for you, we will automatically monitor the brand. The subscription for the first 12 months is included in our rate for the trademark registration.

Meet our experts
  • "The mix of customers, brands and trademark law makes this job irresistible. All three continuously develop faster and faster, with globalization and the Internet as extra dimensions."
  • "Working with brands remains special to me. It always makes me a little proud when I see ‘my’ brands in everyday life, knowing that they are properly registered."
  • "I’m very enthusiastic about working in this field and I help customers with issues on intellectual property."