As proprietor of a trademark or by using a trademark, you might get involved in conflicts.

A third party may object to your trademark or you may object to someone else’s brand. In both cases, it is important to resolve the issue as efficiently as possible.

In some cases, it is wise to settle the case rather than to incur high costs for long legal procedures. In other cases it is best not to give in and go to court.

Several routes are possible, from sending a cease & desist letter and filing an opposition to legal proceedings before court. In the latter case, we work with specialized lawyers. Based on our experience we will always give you the right advice on how to act!


It is possible to object in cases of identical or similar trademarks for identical or similar goods and / or services.

No, this is not mandatory. However, when the use of a brand by a third party has been tolerated for five years, you lose your rights to make any objections. This can be annoying if you are ‘burdened’ by the third party’s brand in the future.

An opposition is the procedure for objecting to a trademark This happens at the Trademark Office where the trademarks are registered. This Office will decide whether the marks are confusingly similar.

In an opposition, the losing party is ordered to pay part of the costs. In case of legal proceedings, an award of costs will be ordered. If you win, the other party will be ordered to pay the costs. However, in case of loss you will be ordered to pay the costs.

Meet our experts
  • "The mix of customers, brands and trademark law makes this job irresistible. All three continuously develop faster and faster, with globalization and the Internet as extra dimensions."
  • "Working with brands remains special to me. It always makes me a little proud when I see ‘my’ brands in everyday life, knowing that they are properly registered."
  • "I’m very enthusiastic about working in this field and I help customers with issues on intellectual property."